
Showing posts from November, 2018


Hey queens, we're back!!!!! We are so sorry for staying away for so long 😭😭 our blog has been collecting dust. Forgive us. Well, we are here with a super informative post about hair porosity. Sit tight and you might learn a thing or two 😉 Do you ever wonder why your hair doesn't absorb hair products well enough or why it absorbs products way too fast and leaves your hair dry and "unmoisturized" 🤷🏽‍♀️ ? Then this post is for you First, let’s get into explaining what Hair porosity means , it simply refers to the hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture. It's about how your hair cuticles lie, either flat or low. There are three porosity levels; high, low and normal. So why is it important to know your hair porosity level ? 1)Its important in product selection - We can safely say that we all have products on our shelves we've used once and haven't laid fingers on again because it just didn't work. Knowing your hair porosity makes