
Showing posts from November, 2017


                                                                       Protective Styles   Hey hair lovers, we are here again with another post y'all are definitely going to love.😊.Today we’ll be talking about protective styling. First of all, we’d like to thank everyone that has been checking out our posts,trying regimens and supporting us in any way,we're grateful    Okay so,we see protective styling as every naturals "time to rest " because it is low maintenance compared to when you have your natural hair out. As we approach the harmattan season, it’s really a good idea to “get your hair off your neck” with a protective style, be it braids, twists, weaves, up dos , basically anything to protect the ends of your hair because the weather isn’t natural hair friendly.   The main aim of protective styling is to decrease tangling , shredding and breakage of the hair while protecting the ends. It also encourages growth retention , by growth retention we mean maint


Hello beautiful people, hope everyone is well and good. Today’s post is going to be about protein treatment. Let me school y'all abit, science inclined people get in here , please don't get bored. So basically, the hair is made up of 91% protein (long chain amino acids) and due to all the chemicals,exposure to pollution and lack of proper hair care,it leads to breakage of the long chain of amino acids causing dull,weak and damaged hair. Now that the chains are broken 😢 we need to fix it,here comes the protein treatment.This treatment helps to reconstruct and strengthen the hair strands, also boosting the hair with tons of nutrients. There are lots of brands that provide protein treatment kits such as Aphogee 2 step protein treatment, Organic root stimulator hair mayonnaise, Aphogee keratin 2 minute reconstructor and a lot more. But we the DIY (Do It Yourself) nation, with the help of google and bitter-sweet experiences have found a suitable and affordable protein tr